ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button].This section explains how to assemble the ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button].

ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button] Accessories
ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button] acrylic panel

Various ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button] screws, etc.
- Left photo, 4 long nuts.
Length depends on the size of the side panel. - Second from the left, 4 plastic feet for mounting on the bottom of the case.
- Third from the left, M3 standard screws, 15mm long screws, and spacers.
Used to fasten PCBs.
Two screws, two PCB spacers, and two nuts. - The fourth from the left are M4 standard screws, 15 mm for the top panel and 20 mm for the bottom panel, two of each type, for a total of four screws. These are the parts included in the case kit.
For other parts required for assembly, please refer to
Please refer to the parts guide on each product page.
Assembling the ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button] main unit

Set countersunk screws in the mounting holes for the PCB board.
Temporarily fix the screws with masking tape, etc. to prevent them from falling out, as when installing the lever.
Turn over the back side. Insert spacers for PCB into the screws.

Set Brook Fighting Board and fix it with nut.
Turn it over and return it to the surface. At that time, install the 24 mm option button.
(We recommend using screw type buttons because they are 5mm thick and do not fit securely.
3mm thick top panel and M4 countersunk screws (the thicker ones)
Prepare the short end of the M4 countersunk screw (15 mm long).
Place the 3mm-thick top panel on top of the 5mm-thick panel.
Once stacked, place the The shorter 15mm Attach the four 15 mm countersunk screws in four places.
Also, at this time, we will install buttons on the 3 mm top panel.
If artwork is to be installed, place it between the panels at this time before attaching the screws.

Prepare the long nuts that come with the
The most versatile size used in this sample is 45 mm.
(The length will vary depending on the side panel selected.)
Turn the panel over and attach four long nuts to the screws that have just been installed.
About wiring
For wiring, see this article How to Wire an Akecon Original Harness for wiring.
If you are using Brook Fighting Cable, click here for reference.
Prepare side panel and USB related parts

Provide side panel, 24 mm buttons for side panel, 6 buttons, USB C to A mounting jack, USB 2.0 A to B right angle 50 cm.
Attach the USB C to A mount jack.
This is what it looks like when wired.
Fit the side panel and connect the USB C to A mounting jack to the Brook Fighting Board with a 50cm USB 2.0 Right Angle Cable.
Once here, check that there are no problems with operation or wiring.
If there are no problems, install the bottom plate 5 mm on the back side.
Prepare M4 standard countersunk screws 20mm and Case feet.
After fitting the 5mm-thick panel, overlap the 3mm panel and screw the plastic feet in four places.
When attaching artwork, sandwich it between clear panels before attaching the plastic feet.
Put it back on the table and you're done, enjoy your ZERO ONE STICKLESS [All-Button]!

A styrofoam brick is very useful as a foundation for the assembly.
We recommend this because it provides a hole to compensate for the joystick lever and an appropriate height.
In Japan, they can be purchased at 100-yen uniform stores such as DAISO and home centers.